Our logotype
The logo must not be displayed in any other colors than the
Original version
Primary colour 1, Blue
HEX: #183E4F
RGB: 24, 62, 79
CMYK: 70, 22, 00, 69Black version
White version
BID prefer that the logo is depicted in its original version. If your possibilities to use multiple colors are limited (e.g. for app login or navigation icons), you may instead use the white or black version.
Download approved versions of our logotype.

Size and proportions
The logo must not be skewed, scaled, cropped, retouched, rotated or otherwise altered in regards to shape, colors or proportions.
Where the logo is displayed in the same context as your own trademark, the logo must never be displayed larger than 25% of the size of your own trademark.
Where the logo is used in the same context as third party logo(s), the BankID logo must be displayed in the same size as the other logo(s) and side by side with them.
Shape and placement
The logo consists of the graphic together with the word image “BankID”. The graphic and the word image must not be used separate from each other.
The logo must always be standalone and may not be integrated with or placed inside any other graphic element.
As a general rule the logo must not be displayed on top of a background pattern. In the rare cases where it’s necessary, the logo must be placed on a white patch as specified below.
The logo must always be displayed on top of a patch of white space. The patch specifies the minimum distance to other graphics, text or images.
Never place any other graphic elements, images or text inside the patch.
The purpose of the patch is to display the logo clearly and keep it separate from text, addresses, decorative elements or images which might otherwise be perceived as part of the logo.
The patch is an information-free zone around the logo corresponding to at least 50% of the height of the logo letter D.

Animation etc.
The logo must never be animated, pulse, flash or
otherwise move.
The logo must never contain any extra elements besides the graphic and the word image.
Do not add shading, frames or anything similar to the logo.
Do not change the font or typography of the logo.