Service status:

BankID in numbers

How many people actually have a BankID? And how often do Swedes use BankID for identification and signature? The answer is: the vast majority and very often!

You find figures and statistics from us below.


7,1 billion times

In 2023, BankID was used no less than 7,1 billion times, including identifications as well as signing.

2023: 7,1 billion
2022: 6,7 billion
2021: 6,3 billion
2020: 5,1 billion
2019: 4,1 billion


More than 8,5 million users

Most Swedes have and use BankID, and more users are added every year. In 2023 we reached 8,5 million unique users.

2023: 8,5 million
2022: 8,4 million
2021: 8,2 million
2020: 7,9 million
2019: 7,6 million


Most of us have a BankID

Of registrered Swedish citizens in the age span of 18 to 67, a staggering 99,4 percent have a BankID.

2023: 99,4 percent
2022: 99,2 percent
2021: 98,8 percent
2020: 98,2 percent
2019: 96,9 percent


7100 connected organizations

The number of businesses, authorities and organizations offering BankID for identification and signing keeps growing. Here are numbers of monthly active connected organizations:

2023: 7 100
2022: 6 150
2021: 5 110
2020: 4 100
2019: 3 200



As more organizations connect to BankID, the proportion between sectors change. Here is the sector coverage per 2023:

Bank and finance: 52 percent
Mobile payments: 18 percent
Public sector: 5 percent
Private sector, other: 25 percent
