Service status:

Low thresholds and safe steps

With BankID, your customers can quickly and securely identify themselves and sign using your e-service.

Nearly all Swedes already use BankID and feel comfortable with it. That trust is something that will carry over to your services.


1. Begin with a contract

You can sign a contract with a bank or through a retailer.

Prices and services may vary among different actors. However, the most common pricing scheme is that you pay per transaction, or in other words, for the number of identifications and signatures.

Many retailers offer a complete solution with integration, support and more.

1. Begin with a contract

Banks you can sign a contract with

  • Danske Bank in Sweden
  • Handelsbanken
  • Nordea
  • SEB
  • Swedbank

Find contact details

2. Obtain a certificate

To connect the company, a so-called FP certificate is needed. If you purchased BankID from a bank, they will help you with the certificate.

Many retailers also help with this. If it is not included in your contract, you can purchase the service from the retailer or a seperate business.

2. Obtain a certificate

View and try our user flows

In our demo you can view the different user flows, try them yourself and see how it would look with your own descriptive texts.

To the demo

3. Ready for integration

You can integrate BankID into your services yourself or enlist the help of a reseller/integrator.

Option 1: Implement it yourself
Suitable if your company has technical expertise with both development and management. You implement the e-service through the BankID API and manage the FP certificates required for communication with it.

You need to have procedures to replace certificates every two years and make any customisations when a new version of our API is published. Once a new version of the API is released, the maximum time to keep the old version is 24 month, unless shorter time is communicated.

If you bought BankID directly through a bank or Freedom of Choice system, it is implementation on your own that has been procured.

Follow our guides for a safe and user-friendly integration.

Option 2: Get help from retailers
If you need help with the technical implementation, this is a good option. The retailer takes care of practical things such as certificates, support, and updates. You can also sign a contract with a bank, but then purchase technical services seperately.

Tips from our security expert

  • Use a strong connection between your service and BankID.

  • Write clear signature texts and use the formatting.

  • Security check your implementation.

  • Follow our guides for a safe and user-friendly experience.


Client case: Cervera

When Cervera connected to BankID, they increased both customer satisfaction and sales, whilst lowering pressure on customer service.


Business Q&A

Here you will find frequently asked questions about using BankID in your services.

Yes, if they do not comply with the terms of the contract or are deemed to have acted fraudulently towards customers. If a company or organisation has been reported to ARN, the Swedish Consumer Agency's Warning List, Svensk Handel (The Swedish Trade Federation) Warning List, or similar numerous times, then this may indicate fraudulent behaviour.

In the first instance, the bank who sold the company BankID has primary responsibility for assessing whether the company should be blocked. If you discover a suspicious e-service where BankID is used incorrectly or something appears to be fraudulent, we would appreciate you submitting a report to us via e-mail to:

ID switching is when BankID is used to exhibit a new or other ID method, or to verify a user who uses a different ID method.

Examples of unauthorised ID switching:

  • Creating a user account and give the user a user name and password or other identification mechanism.

  • Verifying and confirming the identity behind an already established user account with another identification mechanism.

  • Variants of resetting passwords for other identification mechanisms.

  • Storing information about the user's identity in a peermanent cookie in a browser or app so that the user is automatically identified. If the user restart a browser or app, they can't automatically remain logged into the service, but need to identify themselves anew. Permanenta cookies are stored on the visitor's device for a specified time, and after that time they are deleted.

The agreement regulates the right to use BankID. Among others, a so-called ID switching is not permitted. This is because BankID is issued free of charge to users and the infrastructure costs are financed by the relying parties that use BankID in their services. The e-service can provide other alternative means of identification in parallel for its customers, as long as ID switching does not take place between the different identification methods.

If you are unsure whether your application of BankID is correct, or would like to know more, contact your contracting party.

The price varies slightly depending on which integrator or bank you sign the agreement with. The cost is commonly based on how many identifications and signatures are made.

For the private sector, there is free competition among banks and retailers. However, those in the public sector who use E-identification under the 2018 Valfrihetssystemen (Freedom of Choice system) have a fixed price per transaction.

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