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Tap your passport and confirm your identity


An extra layer of protection when you use your BankID.


Our most important mission is to keep BankID secure and available. Security work is being carried out around the clock to protect you. But, as digital tools become more numerous and smarter, unfortunately so do scammers. We have therefore been working with the banks to update the regulations we comply with and we have added the ability to check ID documents in situations where more security is required. All for the sake of protecting you and your identity.

Many security features in BankID

We have always adopted a range of features to strengthen security to protect the users of BankID. Some features have been more visible than others, such as the dynamic QR code that you scan with your BankID at the e-services you use. The QR code is one way to make i.e. phone scams, where users are tricked into identifying themselves remotely, more difficult. We recommend all companies using BankID in their services to implement the dynamic QR code. That increases security for business and users alike.

Tapping a passport or national ID card

Another visible measure to strengthen security that is becoming more and more common is that you are asked to confirm your identity by tapping your passport or national ID card. Passports and national ID cards issued by the police have a chip which a mobile with an NFC reader can read information from. When you tap you ID document with your phone, a check is executed confirming that it is a valid ID document and that it belongs to the same person as the one who hold the BankID in use. Driving licences don’t work because a they have no chip.

This security feature makes it possible to renew a BankID remotely, which has made this process easier for many. Now you bank and other companies can use the same feature to protect you in situations that requires higher security, such as transfers of large sums. Because of this, you may sometimes need to confirm your identity one extra time in the BankID app by tapping your passport or national ID card with your mobile.

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